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New Static Website Design Update for Small Business

static website Design

Static Website Design for Small Business

Small businesses have a restricted capacity to do traditional marketing.  Small businesses can make use of digital marketing to sell their products. It is cost-effective to use the websites to do promotions. Digital marketing makes small business reach their customers fastly. The website is the online address for your business. Website design is key to designing a website. Create a website for your business and showcase the products or services using the website. Based on your business needs website designs are present. Static website design is suitable for small businesses. The static website is easy to design and create. People go for static website Design when frequent updates are not required.


How to create a static website?

A static website is created using writing code, static site generators, and a website builder platform. The static website is manually written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Programmers write the site only once as it does not require any update. It is built by programmers from scratch. Another way to create a static website is using the static website generator. The static website generator is a template that uses HTML templates. It is easy to build a site using the template than writing from scratch. The website builder platform offers a visual editor to create a site without the help of coding.


static website Design

Working on the static websites

The static website design is used when the content is fixed. The working of the static website is simple. The static website is written in simple languages like HTML, CSS, and JS. The content of the static website is stored on the server. The users send a request for a web page to the server. For a static website page server receives a request for a web page. The server sends the response to the client without doing any additional process.  These web pages are seen through a web browser. The web pages of static web pages remain the same unless it is changed manually.


working of static websites


Advantages of Static Websites design

The setting of the website is very easy and fast. The static website does not require any database. There is no server-side scripting language used in the static website Design. Because of no complex programming involved, static pages loads quickly. Editing the site is very easy and you add only a few pages to the website. It is very cost-effective for the users. Maintaining a static website is very easy as it does not require complex programs. The static sites are very safe because it does not have a database. Hackers find it very difficult to attack a static website. It is simpler and faster to load sites so the static sites are SEO-friendly.


Advantages of static websites

Features of static websites design

Ease of usage

It is easy to navigate the static website. The static website contains a clear structure and layout. Because of this, it is easy to access.

Low resource requirement

Once the website is designed by using images and others it will not be changed. There is no database required by the static website.


A static website is more reliable than a dynamic website. There is no dynamic code running on a server it simply runs the HTML codes.


The static website is so stable that it not needed to be updated regularly. The website is loaded very fast than a dynamic site.

Caching & content delivery

Browsers and content delivery networks can the static content for some time. The content is served to the users till it is updated.


features of static websites


Navohosting offer many services to our clients. The Services provided by us are

  • Google workspace
  • Domain & hosting
  • Website design


Different types of website design

Website Building Steps for your Business

E-commerce Website Development Points


We are one of the premium google workspace providers. We offer google workspace at a slightly discounted price.  Get the details about google workspace and its applications here.  We also offer website design to clients.   Check here to know about our services


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